
日期: 2024-08-26   点击: 9527



中国石化资讯网讯 据油价网报导,纽约都会学院格罗夫项目学院日前发布了一份有关研究进步前辈的塑料收受接管技能的新陈诉。新陈诉的结论是,进步前辈的塑料轮回哄骗有助在防止对于天气的影响,削减对于能源的需求,并为扩展轮回经济提供要害东西。


这份新陈诉的作者是纽约都会学院地球项目中央(EEC)主任以及化学项目传授马尔科· J·卡斯塔尔迪玻士,和EEC研究助理劳伦·克里亚多尔。这份新陈诉值患上业内子士花时间浏览,单是步履纲要的内容就相称富厚。




• 出产塑料以及化工产物,与用原始资源出产的产物比拟,它们的全世界变暖潜力更低。

• 与垃圾填埋比拟,削减对于化石能源资源的需求高达97%。

• 思量到对于化学产物以及能源的替换需求,与典型的使用寿命竣事历程比拟,削减跨越100%的二氧化碳当量排放。






李峻 编译自 油价网


Advanced Plastic Recycling Could Cut Need For Hydrocarbons Significantly

· City College of New York Grove School of Engineering: advanced plastic recycling could save massive amounts of energy.

· Recycling could also significantly cut emissions from plastic-making.

· Hard-to-recycle plastics can be made into products with a smaller carbon footprint than those made from new resources.

City College of New York Grove School of Engineering released a new report which examined advanced plastic recycling. The report concluded that advanced recycling��� helps avoid climate impacts, reduces demand for energy resources, and offers key tools for expanding the circular economy.

The report is titled “Quantitative Comparison of LCAs on the Current State of Advanced Recycling Technologies.”

The report was authored by Dr. Marco J. Castaldi, professor of chemical engineering and director of CCNY’s Earth Engineering Center (EEC), and EEC research associate Lauren Creadore. The report is well worth your time, the Executive Su妹妹ary alone is quite informative.

The authors examined 13 recently completed life cycle assessments (LCAs) and found that advanced recycling can transform hard-to-recycle plastics into products with a smaller carbon footprint than those made from new resources.

The processes also reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional end of life methods, such as landfilling and waste-to-energy. Use of advanced recycling contributed to circularity for plastics in all 13 LCAs.

Specifically, the report found that advanced recycling technologies can:

· Produce plastic and chemical products with a reduced global warming potential compared to products made from virgin resources.

· Reduce the need for fossil energy resources by up to 97% compared to landfilling.

· Reduce CO2 equivalent emissions by more than 100% compared to typical end-of-life processes when accounting for displaced demand for chemical products and energy.

Castaldi said, “As advanced recycling becomes increasingly efficient, it is poised to play a major role in achieving global sustainability goals. It can transform hard-to-recycle plastics into a multitude of high-value feedstocks, reducing the need for fossil resources and limiting the environmental impact of waste management. Equally important, the data suggest that our transition to a more circular economy will dramatically improve climate outcomes.”

Bob Hall at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Research Co妹妹ittee on Energy, Environment, and Waste noted, “There’s been significant investment and interest from companies and policymakers in advanced recycling. Scientific studies like this one from CCNY, coupled with engineering ingenuity can help inform and responsibly move us towards a more sustainable and circular future. As these technologies mature, it is imperative to conduct additional studies on advanced recycling that adhere to international LCA standards.”

Annette Scotto, ASME Chair of the Material and Energy Recovery Division co妹妹ented, “ASME suggests that technologies that have current operating performance data and have a facility to visit should be given priority for future analyses.”

Your humble writer might add that this kind of work that incorporates so many earlier works strongly makes the case for responsible folks to get on board with keeping the planet clean and reducing our energy and fuel demands.

The landfill method is really only a “Buy Time” answer to a problem of laziness. Someday perhaps folks will automatically dispose of things responsibly. One hopes.



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更新日期:2022-11-04 上一篇: 广东省成长鼎新委关在印发《广东省轮回经济成长实行方案(2022-2025年)》的通知 下一篇: 科技部 生态情况部 住房以及城乡设置装备摆设部 景象形象局 林草局关在印发《“十四五”生态情况范畴科技立异专项计划》的通知/乐鱼

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